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Carers For UK Ltd

160, City Road, London, EC1V 2NX

Phone Number

+44 797 979 1410

Privacy Policy

*Introduction and Purpose of this privacy notice

In this policy, we have explained how we process your personal data when you use our service. This includes how we collect, use process and share it in relation to your search for a job. We also describe our commitment to protecting your privacy and the measures we take for that purpose. As a user, we will provide you with a service, receive data from you, or use your data to ask for assistance concerning one of our candidates. You will also visit our website.

*What information do we hold about you

We collect your personal data when you register or sign up for a job through our website. We treat that information with the utmost confidentiality and in accordance with current UK data protection legislation. The information collected includes:

  • Identity Data e.g. name, username, , date of birth, gender

  • Contact Data e.g. address, email address, phone number(s)

  • Financial Data e.g. bank account

  • Technical Data e.g. IP address, log in details, browser type, operating system

  • Profile Data e.g. profession, grade, specialty, CV, compliance documents, RTW, qualifications, DBS

  • Your marketing preferences data is essential for us to understand you and make sure your preferences are respected. We work hard so that we can make sure you get the best possible marketing experience we can offer.

Why do we collect your Personal Information?

We collect and use your Personal Information because it is necessary to obtain certain details including Personal Information from you in the work-searching process and it is in our legitimate interests in the course of operating our business, including:

  • Responding to your queries.

  • We’ll find you a job that matches your skillset and experience.

  • We want to use your contact details for internal administrative purposes.

  • Overseeing a work assignment for you for a client

  • Maintaining our websites

  • Ensuring network and information security.

  • Carrying out direct marketing.

The only time we will collect, use, and hold your Personal Information is when:

  • Legitimate interests refer to the need and right of an organisation to pursue its goals. This includes an obligation, where appropriate, to use people’s personal data in a way that helps this pursuit and is compatible with any legal duties or other responsibilities they have.

  • Where you have agreed.

  • We are legally required to abide by these measures.

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*How we use your personal data

We won’t use your data outside of the law. Below, we’ll list the most common ways that we will use your personal data:

  • We need to honour our performance of the contract we have entered into with you or have entered into with the potential company that is looking for you.
  • We may use your information to comply with a legal or regulatory requirement and when we believe it is necessary to protect our legitimate interests (or those of a third party). Your interests and fundamental rights do not override those interests.
  • We respect your right to privacy and we are strongly committed to complying with our legal and regulatory obligations. This includes complying with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).

As a rule, we process your data without asking for your consent – though in some cases, we need it. Examples of reasons you could provide us with consent to process your personal input textWe obtain your consent to process personal data on the condition that it will be for the mentioned purposes. We comply with the law and only process your personal data for specific reasons. As an example, we may use your information for one or more of these purposes:

*Disclosures of your personal data

We could share your personal data with the parties below, who are responsible for managing and hosting our website. This is so we can provide you with the best experience possible.

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*Internal Third Parties as mentioned above.

  • External Third Parties as mentioned above.

  • Third parties to whom we may choose to sell, transfer, or merge parts of our business. It is also possible that we will consider acquiring other businesses in the future too. If a change happens to our business, then the new owners may use your personal data in the same way.

We care about the security of your data. Whatever company we work with must abide by our rules and act responsibly. We do not let third-party service providers use your data for their purposes and ensure that they only process it for the purposes and following our instructions.

*International Transfers of your Personal Information

Personal Information collected from you may be shared with third party service providers who help us process and host the data in accordance with this Privacy Policy. We will only transfer your Personal Information:

  • If you are moving your Personal Information to somewhere that is registered with the European Commission and providing adequate protection, then this is unlikely to be a risk.

  • Where we have put in place appropriate safeguards, for example, by using a contract for the transfer containing specific data protection provisions that meet the requirements of the European Commission or DP authority. You can request a copy of these contracts by contacting us at:

  • Where you have given your consent and on other legal grounds, we may gather & exchange information about you.

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Our third-party regulations ensure that all of your personal information is secure and handled appropriately. We do not give our service providers free access to your data. They can only access it when we need them to and for specified reasons. Your information is safe with us.

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*How long do we store Personal Information?

To keep your information safe, we’ll store it for the time needed (to fulfil our purposes) and as detailed in this policy. Occasionally, we may be obliged to store your data for a longer period of time, such as when it is required by law or where the data is archived. In these scenarios, we will continue to handle your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

*Your Rights

Whatever your rights, we are committed to ensuring that you are protected and that the request is from you. We must first validate your identity to comply with data protection law. This is to ensure that you know your information cannot be disclosed to a third party that you do not authorise. If you have any questions or queries, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us using the contact details below on this page.

  • You have the right to request that your data be deleted if it is no longer needed. However, we will also delete your account if there is no other lawful reason for us to continue processing and holding on to your information.
  • If you have an issue with how we process your personal information, feel free to let us know. If you tell us that we don’t have a right or legitimate reason to process your data, we will stop.
  • You may object to the processing of your data as we have set out above.
  • You can revoke any consent you’ve given for processing data.
  • If we’re using your personal data to complete a contract we have with you, you should be aware that there is a right to request the transfer of your data to a third party.
  • Where you would like us to make automated decisions on your behalf, please provide explicit consent.

*Contact us

If you have any questions about the privacy policy or if you would like to contact us for any reason, please connect with us at: We’ll happy to address your consent.


If you have any complaints, please contact our Complaints team at and we will get back to you as soon as possible